
BCBS Alpha Prefix from BAA to BZZ

BCBS Alpha Prefixes are the first three letters of the identification number on Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance cards. They help identify the insurance plans of patients and ensure correct routing of reimbursement claims.

This blog will cover the prefixes ranging from BAA to BZZ and list down their applicable state, insurance company name, type of health plans, and additional notes. 

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BCBS Alpha Prefix from BAA to BZZ – Latest Insights 

BCBS Prefix State Company Name Types Of Health Plan
BAA Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HMO, PPO, EPO
BAB Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut POS, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BAC Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst Administrators PPO, HMO, Medicaid Managed Care
BAD Kansas BCBS of Kansas City EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BAE New York Empire BCBS of New York HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BAF Oklahoma BCBS of Oklahoma HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
BAG Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BAH Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts Medicare Advantage, EPO, HMO
BAI Unallocated/Not Assigned
BAJ South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BAK Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri EPO, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BAL North Dakota BCBS of North Dakota HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BAM Illinois BCBS of Illinois HDHP, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BAN Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS of Maryland PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BAO South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BAP Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicare Advantage, EPO, HMO
BAQ Alabama BCBS of Alabama HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BAR Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS of Maryland EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BAS Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BAT South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BAU Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BAV Maine Anthem BCBS of Maine HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BAW New York Empire BCBS of New York POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BAX New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BAY California Anthem Blue Cross of California HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BAZ Texas BCBS of Texas Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BBA Florida Florida-Blue PPO, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BBB New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
BBC Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BBD Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicare Advantage, EPO, HMO
BBE Illinois BCBS of Illinois HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BBF Unallocated/Not Assigned
BBG Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BBH Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BBI Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BBJ Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BBK California Anthem Blue Cross of California POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BBL California Anthem Blue Cross of California EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BBM Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BBN Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BBO Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BBP Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts HDHP, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BBQ Alabama BCBS of Alabama EPO, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BBR Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BBS Alabama BCBS of Alabama HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BBT South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicare Advantage, EPO, HMO
BBU Illinois BCBS of Illinois HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BBV Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BBW California Anthem Blue-Cross HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BBX New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BBY Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BBZ Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BCA Arkansas Arkansas BCBS HMO, PPO, EPO
BCB Illinois BCBS of Illinois POS, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BCC Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska PPO, HMO, Medicaid Managed Care
BCD Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS of Maryland EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BCE Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS of Maryland HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BCF South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
BCG Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BCH Arkansas Arkansas BCBS Medicare Advantage, EPO, HMO
BCI Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BCJ Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BCK Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio EPO, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BCL California Anthem Blue-Cross HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BCM Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania HDHP, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BCN Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BCO South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BCP California Anthem Blue-Cross Medicare Advantage, EPO, HMO
BCQ Arkansas Arkansas BCBS HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BCR South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BCS Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BCT Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BCU Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BCV California Blue-Shield of California HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BCW New York Empire BCBS of New York POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BCX Illinois BCBS of Illinois EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BCY Florida Florida-Blue HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BCZ Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BDA Michigan BCBS of Michigan POS, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BDB Arkansas Arkansas BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicaid Managed Care
BDC Michigan BCBS of Michigan EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BDD Maine Anthem BCBS of Maine HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BDE California Anthem Blue Cross of California HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
BDF Kansas BCBS of Kansas City PPO, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BDG Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicare Advantage, EPO, HMO
BDH South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BDI South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BDJ Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana EPO, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BDK Maryland Carefirst BCBS of Maryland HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BDL Illinois BCBS of Illinois HDHP, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BDM Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BDN Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BDO Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio Medicare Advantage, EPO, HMO
BDP Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BDQ Unallocated/Not Assigned
BDR Arkansas Arkansas BCBS EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BDS Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BDT Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BDU Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BDV Georgia BCBS of Georgia HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BDW New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BDX Unallocated/Not Assigned
BDY Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BDZ Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BEA Florida Florida-Blue POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BEB Kansas BCBS of Kansas City EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BEC Michigan BCBS of Michigan HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BED Idaho Blue Cross of Idaho Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BEE Michigan BCBS of Michigan HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BEF Michigan BCBS of Michigan EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BEG Alabama BCBS of Alabama HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BEH Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BEI Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BEJ Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BEK Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BEL Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BEM Illinois BCBS of Illinois HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BEN Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BEO New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BEP Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BEQ California Blue Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BER Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BES Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BET Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BEU Florida Florida-Blue POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BEV Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BEW New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BEX Unallocated/Not Assigned
BEY Maine Anthem BCBS of Maine Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BEZ South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BFA Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BFB Louisiana BCBS of Louisiana EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BFC Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BFD Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BFE Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BFF Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BFG Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BFH Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BFI New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BFJ Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BFK Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BFL Florida Florida-Blue EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BFM Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BFN South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BFO Michigan BCBS of Michigan HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BFP North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BFQ Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BFR South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BFS Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BFT Unallocated/Not Assigned
BFU Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BFV New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BFW New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BFX Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BFY Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HDHP, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BFZ Maine Anthem BCBS of Maine Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BGA Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BGB Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BGC Michigan BCBS of Michigan Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BGD Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BGE Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BGF Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BGG Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BGH Illinois BCBS of Illinois HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BGI Alabama BCBS of Alabama Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BGJ California Blue-Shield of California HMO, PPO, EPO
BGK Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BGL Alabama BCBS of Alabama EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BGM California Anthem Blue-Cross Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BGN Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BGO Florida Florida-Blue Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BGP Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BGQ Unallocated/Not Assigned
BGR Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BGS Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska HMO, HDHP, POS
BGT Alabama BCBS of Alabama Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BGU Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BGV Pennsylvania Capital Blue Cross HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BGW Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BGX Alabama BCBS of Alabama Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BGY Pennsylvania Capital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BGZ Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BHA Kansas BCBS of Kansas City EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BHB Pennsylvania Capital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BHC Unallocated/Not Assigned
BHD Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BHE Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BHF Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BHG South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BHH Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BHI Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BHJ Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, PPO, EPO
BHK Maine Anthem BCBS of Maine Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BHL Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BHM Michigan BCBS of Michigan Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BHN California Anthem Blue Cross of California HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BHO Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BHP Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BHQ Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia HDHP, PPO, EPO
BHR Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BHS Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho HMO, HDHP, POS
BHT Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BHU South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BHV Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BHW Pennsylvania Capital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BHX Montana BCBS of Montana Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BHY New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BHZ Unallocated/Not Assigned
BIA Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BIB South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BIC Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BID California Anthem Blue Cross of California PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BIE Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BIF Unallocated/Not Assigned
BIG Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BIH Unallocated/Not Assigned
BII North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BIJ Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, EPO
BIK Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BIL South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BIM Michigan BCBS of Michigan Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BIN Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BIO Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BIP Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BIQ New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey HDHP, PPO, EPO
BIR Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BIS Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, HDHP, POS
BIT Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BIU Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BIV Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BIW Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BIX South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BIY Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BIZ New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BJA Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BJB New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BJC Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BJD New Hampshire Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BJE California Anthem Blue Cross of California HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BJF Unallocated/Not Assigned
BJG Illinois BCBS of Illinois EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BJH South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BJI Florida Florida-Blue Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BJJ Unallocated/Not Assigned
BJK Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BJL Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BJM Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BJN Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BJO Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BJP Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BJQ Illinois BCBS of Illinois HDHP, PPO, EPO
BJR Unallocated/Not Assigned
BJS California Anthem Blue Cross of California HMO, HDHP, POS
BJT Georgia BCBS of Georgia Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BJU Unallocated/Not Assigned
BJV Idaho Blue Cross of Idaho HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BJW Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BJX Unallocated/Not Assigned
BJY Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BJZ Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BKA New Hampshire Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire HMO, PPO, EPO
BKB South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BKC Illinois BCBS of Illinois EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BKD Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BKE Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BKF Unallocated/Not Assigned
BKG South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BKH Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska HDHP, PPO, EPO
BKI California Anthem Blue-Cross Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BKJ Colorado Anthem BCBS of Colorado HMO, HDHP, POS
BKK Texas BCBS of Texas Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BKL Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BKM Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BKN California Blue-Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BKO Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BKP California Blue-Shield of California POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BKQ South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BKR South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BKS Alabama BCBS of Alabama HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BKT New York Empire BCBS of New York Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BKU South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BKV Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BKW Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BKX Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BKY Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BKZ Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BLA South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BLB Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BLC New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York HDHP, PPO, EPO
BLD Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BLE Alabama BCBS of Alabama HMO, HDHP, POS
BLF Unallocated/Not Assigned
BLG Georgia BCBS of Georgia PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BLH Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BLI Unallocated/Not Assigned
BLJ Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BLK Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BLL Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BLM Florida Florida-Blue EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BLN Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BLO Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BLP Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BLQ Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BLR Illinois BCBS of Illinois POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BLS New York Empire BCBS of New York EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BLT South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BLU Alabama BCBS of Alabama Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BLV Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, PPO, EPO
BLW Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BLX Illinois BCBS of Illinois EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BLY Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BLZ Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BMA Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin HMO, PPO, EPO
BMB Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BMC North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BMD Unallocated/Not Assigned
BME Vermont BCBS of Vermont HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BMF Texas BCBS of Texas Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BMG Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BMH Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin HDHP, PPO, EPO
BMI Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BMJ Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri HMO, HDHP, POS
BMK South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BML Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BMM South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BMN Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BMO Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BMP Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BMQ Kansas BCBS of Kansas City Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BMR Unallocated/Not Assigned
BMS South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BMT Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BMU Unallocated/Not Assigned
BMV Florida Florida-Blue HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BMW Pennsylvania Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BMX California Blue Shield of California EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BMY Texas BCBS of Texas HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BMZ Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BNA Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BNB Unallocated/Not Assigned
BNC Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts HDHP, PPO, EPO
BND Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BNE Arizona BCBS of Arizona HMO, HDHP, POS
BNF Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BNG California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BNH Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BNI Unallocated/Not Assigned
BNJ Unallocated/Not Assigned
BNK Illinois BCBS of Illinois POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BNL Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BNM New Mexico BCBS of New Mexico EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BNN Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BNO Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BNP South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BNQ Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BNR Unallocated/Not Assigned
BNS Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BNT Illinois BCBS of Illinois HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BNU Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BNV Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HMO, PPO, EPO
BNW California Blue-Shield of California Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BNX Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BNY California Anthem Blue-Cross Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BNZ New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BOA South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BOB Florida Florida-Blue PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BOC Michigan BCBS of Michigan HDHP, PPO, EPO
BOD Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BOE California Blue-Shield of California HMO, HDHP, POS
BOF Michigan BCBS of Michigan Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BOG Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BOH Alabama BCBS of Alabama HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BOI South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BOJ California Blue-Shield of California Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BOK Oklahoma BCBS of Oklahoma POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BOL South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BOM South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BON Unallocated/Not Assigned
BOO Unallocated/Not Assigned
BOP Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BOQ Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BOR Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BOS Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BOT Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BOU Rhode Island BCBS of Rhode Island Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BOV Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania HMO, PPO, EPO
BOW Texas BCBS of Texas Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BOX California Blue-Shield of California EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BOY Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BOZ Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BPA Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BPB South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BPC Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota HDHP, PPO, EPO
BPD Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BPE South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, HDHP, POS
BPF Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BPG Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BPH Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BPI South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BPJ Michigan BCBS of Michigan Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BPK Michigan BCBS of Michigan POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BPL Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BPM New York Excellus BlueCross BlueShield New York EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BPN Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BPO Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BPP New Hampshire Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BPQ Louisiana BCBS of Louisiana HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BPR New York Empire BCBS of New York POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BPS Louisiana BCBS of Louisiana EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BPT Unallocated/Not Assigned
BPU South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BPV Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota HMO, PPO, EPO
BPW Michigan BCBS of Michigan Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BPX Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BPY Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BPZ Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BQA Unallocated/Not Assigned
BQB Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BQC South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BQD Unallocated/Not Assigned
BQE New Hampshire Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BQF Unallocated/Not Assigned
BQG Unallocated/Not Assigned
BQH Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia HDHP, PPO, EPO
BQI California Blue-Shield of California Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BQJ Unallocated/Not Assigned
BQK South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BQL Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BQM Unallocated/Not Assigned
BQN California Anthem Blue Cross of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BQO North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BQP Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BQQ New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BQR Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BQS Unallocated/Not Assigned
BQT Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BQU Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BQV Unallocated/Not Assigned
BQW Michigan BCBS of Michigan POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BQX Idaho Blue Cross of Idaho EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BQY Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BQZ Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BRA California Blue-Shield of California Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BRB Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BRC California Blue-Shield of California HDHP, PPO, EPO
BRD Pennsylvania Independence Blue Cross Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BRE Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, HDHP, POS
BRF Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BRG Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BRH Texas BCBS of Texas HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BRI Unallocated/Not Assigned
BRJ Rhode Island BCBS of Rhode Island Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BRK Texas BCBS of Texas POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BRL Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BRM Michigan BCBS of Michigan EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BRN Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BRO Alabama BCBS of Alabama Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BRP Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BRQ Oklahoma BCBS of Oklahoma HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BRR Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS of Washington POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BRS South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BRT Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BRU Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BRV Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, EPO
BRW Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BRX California Anthem Blue Cross of California EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BRY California Blue-Shield of California Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BRZ South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BSA Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BSB North Dakota BCBS of North Dakota PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BSC Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts HDHP, PPO, EPO
BSD South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BSE Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, HDHP, POS
BSF Unallocated/Not Assigned
BSG Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BSH South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BSI Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BSJ Pennsylvania Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BSK Maryland Carefirst BCBS of Maryland POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BSL Texas BCBS of Texas Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BSM Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BSN Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BSO Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BSP Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BSQ Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BSR Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BSS Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BST Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BSU South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BSV Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, EPO
BSW South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BSX Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BSY California Blue-Shield of California Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BSZ South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BTA Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BTB North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BTC Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts HDHP, PPO, EPO
BTD New York Empire BCBS of New York Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BTE Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HMO, HDHP, POS
BTF South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BTG Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BTH Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BTI Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BTJ Unallocated/Not Assigned
BTK Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BTL Unallocated/Not Assigned
BTM South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BTN Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BTO New Hampshire Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BTP Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BTQ Washington Regence BCBS of Washington HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BTR Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BTS South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BTT South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BTU Arkansas Arkansas BCBS Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BTV Oregon Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon HMO, PPO, EPO
BTW California Anthem Blue-Cross Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BTX Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BTY Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BTZ South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BUA Virginia Carefirst Administrators PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BUB Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BUC California Blue Shield of California HDHP, PPO, EPO
BUD Michigan BCBS of Michigan Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BUE Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri HMO, HDHP, POS
BUF Michigan BCBS of Michigan Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BUG Unallocated/Not Assigned
BUH Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BUI Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BUJ New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BUK Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BUL South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BUM Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BUN South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BUO Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BUP Unallocated/Not Assigned
BUQ South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BUR Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BUS South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BUT Unallocated/Not Assigned
BUU North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BUV Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota HMO, PPO, EPO
BUW South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BUX Michigan BCBS of Michigan EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BUY Unallocated/Not Assigned
BUZ Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BVA Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BVB South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BVC Maryland Carefirst BCBS of Maryland HDHP, PPO, EPO
BVD California Blue-Shield of California Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BVE Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska HMO, HDHP, POS
BVF South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BVG Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BVH Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BVI Louisiana BCBS of Louisiana HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BVJ New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BVK Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BVL New York Empire BCBS of New York Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BVM Kansas BCBS of Kansas City EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BVN Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BVO Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BVP Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BVQ South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BVR North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BVS Unallocated/Not Assigned
BVT Vermont BCBS of Vermont HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BVU Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BVV New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey HMO, PPO, EPO
BVW Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BVX Unallocated/Not Assigned
BVY New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BVZ Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BWA Vermont BCBS of Vermont Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BWB Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BWC Texas BCBS of Texas HDHP, PPO, EPO
BWD Michigan BCBS of Michigan Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BWE Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HMO, HDHP, POS
BWF South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BWG Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BWH South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BWI Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BWJ New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BWK South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BWL Illinois BCBS of Illinois Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BWM South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BWN Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BWO South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BWP Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BWQ Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst Administrators HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BWR Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BWS Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BWT Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BWU South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BWV Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HMO, PPO, EPO
BWW Pennsylvania Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BWX Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BWY Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BWZ California Anthem Blue-Cross HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BXA Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BXB Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BXC California Anthem Blue Cross of California HDHP, PPO, EPO
BXD Unallocated/Not Assigned
BXE Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, HDHP, POS
BXF New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BXG Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BXH New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BXI Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BXJ Georgia BCBS of Georgia Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BXK Illinois BCBS of Illinois POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BXL Alabama BCBS of Alabama Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BXM Unallocated/Not Assigned
BXN Maine Anthem BCBS of Maine HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BXO Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BXP New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BXQ Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BXR Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BXS Unallocated/Not Assigned
BXT Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BXU Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BXV Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, EPO
BXW Idaho Blue Cross of Idaho Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BXX Unallocated/Not Assigned
BXY Maryland Carefirst BCBS of Maryland Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BXZ South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BYA New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BYB Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BYC Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HDHP, PPO, EPO
BYD Alabama BCBS of Alabama Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BYE New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey HMO, HDHP, POS
BYF Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Medicare Advantage, HMO, PPO
BYG Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BYH Georgia BCBS of Georgia HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BYI Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BYJ California Anthem Blue-Cross Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BYK Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BYL Georgia BCBS of Georgia Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BYM Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BYN Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BYO Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BYP Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BYQ Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS HMO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BYR Illinois BCBS of Illinois POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BYS Pennsylvania Capital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BYT Unallocated/Not Assigned
BYU Maine Anthem BCBS of Maine Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BYV New Hampshire Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire HMO, PPO, EPO
BYW Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BYX New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BYY Unallocated/Not Assigned
BYZ Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BZA Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota Medicaid Managed Care, HDHP, POS
BZB Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska PPO, Medicare Advantage, HMO
BZC California Blue Shield of California HDHP, PPO, EPO
BZD Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia Medicaid Managed Care, POS, EPO
BZE California Blue Shield of California HMO, HDHP, POS
BZF Unallocated/Not Assigned
BZG South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, Medicaid Managed Care, EPO
BZH Michigan BCBS of Michigan HDHP, Medicare Advantage, POS
BZI South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
BZJ Idaho Blue Cross of Idaho Medicaid Managed Care, EPO, HMO
BZK Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska POS, HDHP, Medicaid Managed Care
BZL Arkansas BCBS of Arkansas Blue Advantage Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BZM Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio EPO, POS, Medicare Advantage
BZN Unallocated/Not Assigned
BZO South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Medicare Advantage, HDHP, POS
BZP North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina PPO, EPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BZQ Unallocated/Not Assigned
BZR South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS POS, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care
BZS South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina EPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
BZT California Blue-Shield of California HDHP, POS, Medicaid Managed Care
BZU Michigan BCBS of Michigan Medicare Advantage, PPO, EPO
BZV Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, EPO
BZW South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Medicaid Managed Care, POS, PPO
BZX Michigan BCBS of Michigan EPO, HDHP, Medicare Advantage
BZY Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky Medicare Advantage, PPO, HMO
BZZ North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina HMO, PPO, Medicaid Managed Care

Trust Health Quest Billing for hassle-free BCBS BAA to BZZ credentialing. We simplify the process, ensuring compliance and efficient enrollments to support the success of your practice.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, understanding the BCBS alpha prefix list from BAA to BZZ is essential for efficiently processing claims and verifying coverage. These prefixes help identify the specific Blue Cross Blue Shield plans and the states they originate from, making them a valuable resource for medical billing professionals.

For a complete overview, explore our BCBS Alpha Prefix from CAA to CZZ to further streamline your billing processes and ensure accurate claims management.

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Ready to upscale your medical billing process and boost your revenue? Schedule an appointment with Health Quest Billing today and let our experts guide you towards a more efficient and profitable billing future.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does the suitcase mean on an insurance card?

Empty suitcase: A blank suitcase symbol on a member's ID card Indicates that the member's plan includes BlueCard benefits. The suitcase symbols are important when providing healthcare services to Blue Cross Blue Shield out-of-area patients.

What is the alpha prefix for Highmark Freedom Blue PPO?

The alpha prefix for Highmark FreedomBlue members is HKS or FEM for enrollment source Plan Code 363 and HKR or FER for enrollment source Plan Code 378.

Does Bcbs Cover Wegovy?

Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) plans may cover Wegovy, depending on the specific plan. Coverage eligibility is influenced by factors such as the plan's terms, deductible requirements, and patient criteria like BMI or weight-related medical conditions.

When Will The Bcbs Settlement Be Paid?

The BCBS settlement will be paid once all appeals are resolved. Currently, there's no specific timeline, but claimants should check back in November 2024 for updates.

When Will Bcbs Settlement Checks Be Mailed 2024?

BCBS settlement checks are expected to be mailed after all appeals are resolved, with additional updates anticipated on the settlement website in November 2024.

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