BCBS Alpha Prefix from DAA to DZZ
BCBS Alpha Prefixes are the first three letters of the identification number on Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance cards. They help identify the insurance plans of patients and ensure correct routing of their reimbursement claims.
This blog will cover the prefixes ranging from DAA to DZZ and list down their applicable state, insurance company name, and type of health plans.
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BCBS Alpha Prefix from DAA to DZZ – Latest Insights
BCBS Prefix | State | Company Name | Types Of Health Plan |
DAA | Oregon | Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon | Individual and Family Health Plans |
DAB | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DAC | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DAD | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | PPO and EPO Health Plans |
DAE | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DAF | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DAG | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | PPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DAH | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | HMO and EPO Health Plans |
DAI | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DAJ | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | Medicaid and CHIP Plans |
DAK | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | Medicare and Medigap Plans |
DAL | Texas | BCBS of Texas | PPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DAN | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DAO | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DAP | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | Short-term Health Plans |
DAQ | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | EPO and HDHP Health Plans |
DAR | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | PPO and Essential Health Benefits |
DAS | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | Student Health Plans |
DAT | Texas | BCBS of Texas | HMO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DAU | Washington | Premera Blue Cross | PPO and Preferred Provider Plans |
DAV | Pennsylvania | Capital Blue Cross | EPO and Managed Care Plans |
DAW | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | Health Savings Account (HSA) Plans |
DAX | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | Medicaid Managed Care Plans |
DAY | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DAZ | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | PPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DBA | Kentucky | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DBB | North Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina | EPO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DBC | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DBE | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO and EPO Health Plans |
DBF | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | POS and HDHP Health Plans |
DBG | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | Medicare and Medigap Plans |
DBH | Alaska | Premera BCBS of Alaska | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DBI | Missouri | Anthem BCBS of Missouri | EPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DBJ | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | Medicaid and CHIP Plans |
DBK | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO and Short-term Health Plans |
DBL | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | HMO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DBM | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DBN | California | Blue Cross of California | EPO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DBO | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DBP | Washington | Premera Blue Cross | PPO and Preferred Provider Plans |
DBQ | Newyork | Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield | EPO and Essential Health Benefits |
DBR | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DBS | Rhode Island | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island | POS and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DBT | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | EPO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DBU | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DBV | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DBW | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | EPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DBX | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | PPO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DBY | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | HMO and EPO Health Plans |
DBZ | Illinois | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DCA | Missouri | Anthem BCBS of Missouri | EPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DCB | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DCC | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | PPO and EPO Health Plans |
DCD | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DCE | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | EPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DCF | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DCG | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DCH | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DCI | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | EPO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DCJ | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DCK | North Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina | PPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DCL | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | HMO and EPO Health Plans |
DCM | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DCN | Nebraska | BCBS of Nebraska | EPO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DCO | Virginia | Anthem BCBS of Virginia | HMO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DCP | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | PPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DCQ | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | EPO and Preferred Provider Plans |
DCR | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | POS and HMO Health Plans |
DCS | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DCT | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | POS and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DCU | New Jersey | Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey | EPO and Essential Health Benefits |
DCV | Texas | BCBS of Texas | PPO and HMO Health Plans |
DCW | New Jersey | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DCX | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | HMO and EPO Health Plans |
DCY | California | Blue Shield of California | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DCZ | Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington | Regence BCBS | EPO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DDA | Florida | Florida-Blue | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DDB | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | PPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DDC | California | Blue Shield of California | HMO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DDD | Michigan | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan | EPO and PPO Health Plans |
DDE | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | POS and HMO Health Plans |
DDF | Wisconsin | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin | EPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DDG | Texas | BCBS of Texas | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DDH | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | POS and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DDI | California | Blue Cross of California | PPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DDJ | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DDK | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | PPO and EPO Health Plans |
DDL | Pennsylvania | Capital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania | POS and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DDM | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | EPO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DDN | Louisiana | BCBS of Louisiana | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DDO | Louisiana | BCBS of Louisiana | POS and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DDP | New Hampshire | Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire | HMO and EPO Health Plans |
DDQ | California | Blue Shield of California | EPO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DDR | California | Blue Shield of California | PPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DDS | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DDT | California | Blue-Shield of California | POS and EPO Health Plans |
DDU | North Dakota | Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota | EPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DDV | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | PPO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DDW | Oregon | Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DDY | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DDZ | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | EPO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DEA | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DEB | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | HMO and EPO Health Plans |
DEC | Nebraska | BCBS of Nebraska | POS and HMO Health Plans |
DED | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | EPO and POS Health Plans |
DEE | Indiana | Anthem BCBS of Indiana | HMO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DEF | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | PPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DEG | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DEH | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | EPO and POS Health Plans |
DEI | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DEJ | California | Blue-Shield of California | EPO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DEK | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DEL | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | PPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DEM | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | POS and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DEN | Alaska | Premera BCBS of Alaska | EPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DEO | California | Blue-Shield of California | PPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DEP | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DEQ | Indiana | Anthem BCBS of Indiana | POS and EPO Health Plans |
DER | Texas | BCBS of Texas | EPO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DES | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DET | Connecticut | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DEU | Missouri | Anthem BCBS of Missouri | HMO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DEV | Massachusetts | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts | PPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DEW | North Dakota | Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota | EPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DEX | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | HMO and EPO Health Plans |
DEY | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DEZ | Newyork | Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield | EPO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DFA | Kansas City | BCBS of Kansas City | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DFB | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | EPO and POS Health Plans |
DFC | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | PPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DFD | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DFE | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DFF | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | POS and EPO Health Plans |
DFG | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DFH | California | Blue Cross of California | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DFI | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | POS and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DFJ | Pennsylvania | Capital Blue Cross | EPO and PPO Health Plans |
DFK | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DFL | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue Cross | POS and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DFM | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | EPO and POS Health Plans |
DFN | Florida | Florida-Blue | HMO and EPO Health Plans |
DFO | California | Blue-Shield of California | PPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DFP | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | EPO and HMO Health Plans |
DFQ | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DFR | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DFS | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | PPO and EPO Health Plans |
DFT | Texas | BCBS of Texas | EPO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DFU | Michigan | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DFV | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | HMO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DFW | California | Blue Cross of California | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DFX | Florida | Florida-Blue | EPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DFY | Texas | BCBS of Texas | HMO and POS Health Plans |
DFZ | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | PPO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DGA | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DGB | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | EPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DGC | California | Blue-Shield of California | POS and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DGD | Idaho | Blue-Cross of Idaho | HMO and EPO Health Plans |
DGE | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DGF | California | Blue-Shield of California | EPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DGG | Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington | Regence BCBS | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DGH | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue Cross | POS and PPO Health Plans |
DGI | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | HMO and EPO Health Plans |
DGJ | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | PPO and HSA-qualified Health Plans |
DGK | Florida | Florida-Blue | HMO and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DGL | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | EPO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DGM | Washington | Regence Blue Shield of Washington | POS and HMO Health Plans |
DGN | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | EPO and POS Health Plans |
DGO | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DGP | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | POS and EPO Health Plans |
DGQ | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | PPO and High Deductible Health Plans |
DGR | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | EPO and POS Health Plans |
DGS | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | HMO and Medicare Advantage Plans |
DGT | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | POS and Catastrophic Health Plans |
DGU | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | HMO and PPO Health Plans |
DGV | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO |
DGW | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | HMO |
DGX | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | POS |
DGY | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | EPO |
DGZ | California | Blue Cross of California | PPO |
DHA | Kentucky | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky | HMO |
DHB | New York | Empire BCBS of New York | PPO |
DHC | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | POS |
DHD | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO |
DHE | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | PPO |
DHF | New York | Empire BCBS of New York | EPO |
DHG | Missouri | Anthem BCBS of Missouri | PPO |
DHH | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO |
DHI | Pennsylvania | Capital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania | PPO |
DHJ | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | EPO |
DHK | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | PPO |
DHL | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | POS |
DHM | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO |
DHN | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | PPO |
DHO | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | EPO |
DHP | New York | Excellus BCBS of New York | HMO |
DHS | Kansas City | BCBS of Kansas City | PPO |
DHT | Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington | Regence BCBS | POS |
DHU | North Carolina | BCBS of North Carolina | EPO |
DHV | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO |
DHW | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | HMO |
DHX | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | POS |
DHY | New York | Empire BCBS of New York | PPO |
DHZ | Virginia | Anthem BCBS of Virginia | HMO |
DIA | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | POS |
DIB | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO |
DIC | Massachusetts | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts | HMO |
DID | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | HMO |
DIE | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | PPO |
DIF | Kansas City | BCBS of Kansas City | POS |
DIG | California | Blue Shield of California | PPO |
DIH | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | HMO |
DII | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | PPO |
DIJ | Oregon | Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon | EPO |
DIK | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | PPO |
DIL | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO |
DIO | Florida | Florida-Blue | PPO |
DIP | Louisiana | BCBS of Louisiana | HMO |
DIQ | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | POS |
DIR | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | PPO |
DIS | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | HMO |
DIT | California | Blue-Shield of California | POS |
DIU | South Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina | PPO |
DIV | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | PPO |
DIW | New York | Empire BCBS of New York | EPO |
DIX | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | PPO |
DIY | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | HMO |
DIZ | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO |
DJA | Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington | Regence BCBS | HMO |
DJB | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | PPO |
DJD | Florida | Florida-Blue | HMO |
DJE | Alabama | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama | PPO |
DJF | New Jersey | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey | HMO |
DJH | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | POS |
DJI | Georgia | Anthem BCBS of Georgia | PPO |
DJJ | New Jersey | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey | POS |
DJK | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO |
DJL | New York | Empire BCBS of New York | PPO |
DJM | Texas | BCBS of Texas | HMO |
DJN | California | Blue-Shield of California | PPO |
DJO | Louisiana | BCBS of Louisiana | HMO |
DJP | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | POS |
DJQ | Florida | Florida-Blue | PPO |
DJR | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | HMO |
DJS | South Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina | PPO |
DJT | Minnesota | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota | POS |
DJU | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | HMO |
DJV | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | PPO |
DJW | California | Blue-Shield of California | POS |
DJX | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | EPO |
DJZ | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO |
DKA | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO |
DKB | California | Blue Cross of California | PPO |
DKC | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | EPO |
DKD | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO |
DKE | North Carolina | BCBS of North Carolina | HMO |
DKF | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | POS |
DKH | North Carolina | BCBS of North Carolina | PPO |
DKI | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO |
DKJ | Pennsylvania | Capital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania | PPO |
DKK | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | HMO |
DKL | Massachusetts | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts | PPO |
DKM | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | EPO |
DKN | Newyork | Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield | HMO |
DKO | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | PPO |
DKP | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | PPO |
DKQ | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | HMO |
DKR | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | PPO |
DKS | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO |
DKT | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO |
DKU | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | POS |
DKV | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | PPO |
DKW | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO |
DKX | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | EPO |
DKY | North Carolina | BCBS of North Carolina | PPO |
DKZ | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | HMO |
DLA | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | POS |
DLB | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | PPO |
DLC | Newyork | Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield | HMO |
DLD | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | EPO |
DLE | Idaho | Blue-Cross of Idaho | PPO |
DLF | California | Blue Cross of California | HMO |
DLG | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | POS |
DLH | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | PPO |
DLI | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | PPO |
DLJ | Idaho | Blue-Cross of Idaho | HMO |
DLK | Pennsylvania | Capital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania | PPO |
DLL | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO |
DLM | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | POS |
DLN | Wisconsin | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin | HMO |
DLO | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | PPO |
DLP | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO |
DLQ | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | PPO |
DLR | Nebraska | BCBS of Nebraska | HMO |
DLS | Virginia | Anthem BCBS of Virginia | PPO |
DLT | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | HMO |
DLU | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | POS |
DLV | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | PPO |
DLW | Texas | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas | HMO |
DLX | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | PPO |
DLY | Minnesota | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota | HMO |
DLZ | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | EPO |
DMA | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | POS |
DMB | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO |
DMC | Nebraska | BCBS of Nebraska | PPO |
DMD | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | EPO |
DME | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | HMO |
DMF | Alabama | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama | PPO |
DMG | Kansas City | BCBS of Kansas City | HMO |
DMH | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | PPO |
DMI | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | HMO |
DMJ | Newyork | Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield | PPO |
DMK | Washington | Regence Blue Shield of Washington | POS |
DML | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | PPO |
DMM | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO |
DMN | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | PPO |
DMO | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | HMO |
DMP | New Jersey | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey | PPO |
DMQ | New York | Empire BCBS of New York | HMO |
DMR | New York (Western) | BCBS of Western New York | PPO |
DMS | Idaho | Blue Cross of Idaho | HMO |
DMT | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | POS |
DMU | Virginia | Anthem BCBS of Virginia | PPO |
DMV | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | HMO |
DMW | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO |
DMX | Idaho | Blue-Cross of Idaho | POS |
DMY | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | PPO |
DMZ | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO |
DNA | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO |
DNB | Texas | BCBS of Texas | HMO |
DNC | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | POS |
DND | California | Blue-Shield of California | PPO |
DNE | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | PPO |
DNF | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO |
DNG | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | POS |
DNH | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | PPO |
DNI | Florida | Florida-Blue | HMO |
DNJ | South Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina | PPO |
DNK | Massachusetts | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts | POS |
DNL | Texas | BCBS of Texas | PPO |
DNM | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | HMO |
DNN | Texas | BCBS of Texas | POS |
DNO | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO |
DNP | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | PPO |
DNQ | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | EPO |
DNR | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | HMO |
DNS | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | POS |
DNT | Pennsylvania | Capital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania | PPO |
DNU | Illinois | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois | PPO |
DNV | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | POS |
DNW | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | EPO |
DNX | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | PPO |
DNY | Illinois | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois | HMO |
DNZ | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | PPO |
DOA | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO |
DOB | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO |
DOC | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | POS |
DOD | Florida | Florida-Blue | PPO |
DOE | Indiana | Anthem BCBS of Indiana | HMO |
DOF | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | PPO |
DOG | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO |
DOH | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | HMO |
DOI | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | POS |
DOJ | Florida | Florida-Blue | HMO |
DOK | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO |
DOL | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO |
DOM | Georgia | Anthem BCBS of Georgia | POS |
DON | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | HMO |
DOO | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | EPO |
DOP | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | PPO |
DOQ | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | POS |
DOR | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO |
DOS | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO |
DOT | California | Blue Shield of California | PPO |
DOU | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | POS |
DOV | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | EPO |
DOW | Florida | Florida-Blue | HMO |
DOX | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO |
DOY | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO |
DOZ | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO |
DPA | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | EPO |
DPB | Florida | Florida-Blue | PPO |
DPC | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | HMO |
DPD | Nebraska | BCBS of Nebraska | POS |
DPE | New York | Empire BCBS of New York | HMO |
DPF | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | PPO |
DPG | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | POS |
DPH | South Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina | PPO |
DPI | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | POS |
DPJ | Virginia | Anthem BCBS of Virginia | PPO |
DPK | New York | Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield | EPO |
DPM | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | HMO |
DPN | Georgia | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia | POS |
DPO | North Carolina | BCBS of North Carolina | EPO |
DPP | Missouri | Anthem BCBS of Missouri | HMO |
DPQ | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | EPO |
DPR | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | PPO |
DPS | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | HMO |
DPT | Delaware | Highmark BCBS of Delaware | PPO |
DPU | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | POS |
DPV | Idaho | Blue Cross of Idaho | PPO |
DPW | Texas | BCBS of Texas | HMO |
DPX | New York | BCBS of Western New York | POS |
DPY | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | POS |
DPZ | Pennsylvania | Capital Blue Cross | HMO |
DQA | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | PPO |
DQB | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO |
DQC | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | PPO |
DQD | Louisiana | BCBS of Louisiana | POS |
DQE | Virginia | Anthem BCBS of Virginia | EPO |
DQF | Michigan | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan | HMO |
DQG | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | PPO |
DQH | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | EPO |
DQI | California | Blue-Shield of California | PPO |
DQJ | Colorado | Anthem BCBS of Colorado | HMO |
DQK | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | POS |
DQL | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | EPO |
DQM | Delaware | Highmark BCBS of Delaware | HMO |
DQN | New York (Western) | BCBS of Western New York | PPO |
DQO | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | POS |
DQP | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO |
DQQ | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | PPO |
DQR | California | Blue Cross of California | POS |
DQS | Wisconsin | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin | HMO |
DQT | Wisconsin | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin | POS |
DQU | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue Cross | PPO |
DQV | North Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina | HMO |
DQW | North Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina | PPO |
DQX | North Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina | POS |
DQY | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO |
DQZ | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | POS |
DRA | Wisconsin | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin | PPO |
DRB | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | POS |
DRC | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | EPO |
DRD | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | HMO |
DRE | Texas | BCBS of Texas | POS |
DRF | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | PPO |
DRG | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | POS |
DRH | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | HMO |
DRI | North Carolina | BCBS of North Carolina | EPO |
DRJ | North Carolina | BCBS of North Carolina | HMO |
DRK | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | POS |
DRL | New Jersey | Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey | EPO |
DRM | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | POS |
DRN | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO |
DRO | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO |
DRP | Texas | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas | EPO |
DRQ | Newyork | Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield | HMO |
DRR | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | POS |
DRT | California | Blue Cross of California | PPO |
DRU | Missouri | Anthem BCBS of Missouri | HMO |
DRV | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | POS |
DRW | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | POS |
DRX | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | HMO |
DRY | Indiana | Anthem BCBS of Indiana | PPO |
DRZ | Virginia | Anthem BCBS of Virginia | EPO |
DSA | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | POS |
DSB | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO |
DSC | Newyork | Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield | PPO |
DSD | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO |
DSE | Missouri | Anthem BCBS of Missouri | PPO |
DSF | California | Blue-Shield of California | EPO |
DSG | Newyork | BCBS of Western New York | HMO |
DSH | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | POS |
DSI | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | HMO |
DSJ | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | POS |
DSK | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | HMO |
DSL | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | POS |
DSM | Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington | Regence BCBS | PPO |
DSN | South Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina | EPO |
DSO | Oregon | Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon | HMO |
DSP | Wisconsin | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin | POS |
DSQ | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | EPO |
DSR | Delaware | Highmark BCBS of Delaware | PPO |
DSS | Virginia | Anthem BCBS of Virginia | PPO |
DST | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | POS |
DSU | Georgia | Anthem BCBS of Georgia | HMO |
DSV | Minnesota | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota | POS |
DSW | Kansas City | BCBS of Kansas City | HMO |
DSX | New Jersey | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey | PPO |
DSY | Kansas City | BCBS of Kansas City | PPO |
DSZ | North Dakota | BCBS of North Dakota | EPO |
DTA | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO, EPO, HSA |
DTB | New Jersey | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey | HMO, PPO, HDHP |
DTC | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DTD | Nebraska | BCBS of Nebraska | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DTE | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DTF | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DTH | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DTI | Michigan | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DTJ | Virginia | Anthem BCBS of Virginia | HMO, PPO, EPO |
DTK | Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington | Regence BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DTL | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO, EPO, HSA |
DTM | Wisconsin | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DTN | Connecticut | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DTO | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DTQ | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO, PPO, EPO |
DTS | Illinois | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DTT | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO, EPO, HSA |
DTU | Connecticut | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DTV | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DTW | Georgia | Anthem BCBS of Georgia | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DTX | Texas | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DTY | Connecticut | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut | HMO, PPO, HDHP |
DTZ | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUA | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUB | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DUC | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUD | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, PPO, EPO |
DUE | Florida | Florida-Blue | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUF | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUG | New Jersey | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DUH | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUJ | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | HMO, PPO, EPO |
DUK | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUL | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUM | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO, PPO, EPO |
DUN | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUO | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO, EPO, HSA |
DUP | Delaware | Highmark BCBS of Delaware | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUQ | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, PPO, HDHP |
DUR | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DUS | Colorado | Anthem BCBS of Colorado | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUT | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUU | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUV | Florida | Florida-Blue | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DUW | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, PPO, HDHP |
DUX | Kansas | BCBS of Kansas | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DUY | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, PPO, HDHP |
DUZ | North Carolina | BCBS of North Carolina | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DVA | Indiana | Anthem BCBS of Indiana | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DVB | New York | Empire BCBS of New York | HMO, PPO, HDHP |
DVC | Louisiana | BCBS of Louisiana | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DVD | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DVE | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue Cross | HMO, PPO, EPO |
DVF | Wisconsin | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DVG | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DVH | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO, EPO, HSA |
DVI | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DVJ | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO, PPO, EPO |
DVK | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue Cross | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DVL | – | Unallocated/Not Assigned | |
DVM | Wisconsin | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DVN | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DVO | Georgia | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DVP | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DVQ | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DVR | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DVS | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | HMO, PPO, HDHP |
DVT | Vermont | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DVU | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DVX | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO, EPO, HSA |
DVZ | South Carolina | BCBS of South Carolina | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWA | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWB | North Carolina | BCBS of North Carolina | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DWC | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWD | Florida | Florida-Blue | HMO, PPO, HDHP |
DWE | California | Blue-Shield of California | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DWF | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWG | New York (Western) | BCBS of Western New York | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWH | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DWI | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWJ | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO, PPO, HDHP |
DWK | New Jersey | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DWL | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO, EPO, HSA |
DWM | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWN | Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington | Regence BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWO | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWP | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DWQ | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO, EPO, HSA |
DWR | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWS | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO, PPO, EPO |
DWT | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWU | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWV | California | Blue Cross of California | HMO, PPO, EPO |
DWW | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWX | California | Blue Shield of California | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DWY | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DWZ | Nebraska | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DXA | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DXB | Missouri | Anthem BCBS of Missouri | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DXC | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DXD | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO, EPO, HSA |
DXE | Texas | BCBS of Texas | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DXF | Pennsylvania | Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DXG | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, PPO, HDHP |
DXH | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO, EPO, HSA |
DXI | Georgia | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DXK | Alaska | Premera BCBS of Alaska | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DXM | Virginia | Anthem BCBS of Virginia | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DXN | Texas | BCBS of Texas | HMO, PPO, HDHP |
DXO | Georgia | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DXP | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DXQ | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO, PPO, EPO |
DXR | New Jersey | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DXS | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO, PPO, EPO |
DXT | Minnesota | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DXU | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DXV | Minnesota | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DXW | Kansas City | BCBS of Kansas City | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DXX | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DXY | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DXZ | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYA | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYC | South Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DYD | South Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYE | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DYF | Illinois | BCBS of Illinois | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYG | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYH | Alabama | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DYI | California | Blue Cross of California | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYJ | Maryland | CareFirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYK | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYL | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | HMO, PPO, HDHP |
DYM | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYN | Washington | Premera Blue Cross | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DYO | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO, EPO, HSA |
DYP | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYQ | Wisconsin | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYR | Minnesota | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DYS | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYT | California | Anthem Blue-Cross | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DYU | New Jersey | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYV | Wisconsin | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYW | Delaware | Highmark BCBS of Delaware | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYX | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DYY | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DYZ | North Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DZA | New York | Empire BCBS of New York | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZB | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | PPO, EPO, HSA |
DZC | South Dakota/Iowa | Wellmark BCBS | HMO, PPO, EPO |
DZD | New York (Western) | BCBS of Western New York | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZE | Georgia | Anthem BCBS of Georgia | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DZF | North Carolina | Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZG | New York | Empire BCBS of New York | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DZH | Pennsylvania | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DZI | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZJ | Alabama | BCBS of Alabama | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZK | Missouri | Anthem BCBS of Missouri | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DZL | Minnesota | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZM | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZN | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZO | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DZP | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZQ | Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia | Carefirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZR | Massachusetts | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DZS | Texas | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZT | Minnesota | BCBS of Minnesota | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DZU | Maryand | CareFirst BCBS | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZV | Ohio | Anthem BCBS of Ohio | EPO, PPO, HSA |
DZW | Michigan | BCBS of Michigan | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZX | Massachusetts | BCBS of Massachusetts | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZY | Virginia | Anthem BCBS of Virginia | HMO, POS, HDHP |
DZZ | Tennessee | BCBS of Tennessee | HMO, POS, HDHP |
Final Thoughts
In a nutshell, understanding the BCBS Alpha Prefix list from DAA to DZZ helps streamline the identification of state-specific Blue Cross Blue Shield health plans. This comprehensive list ensures accurate billing and verification, saving time and reducing errors.
For more prefixes, check out our BCBS Alpha Prefix from EAA to EZZ, which continues this essential guide. Keep this resource handy as you navigate the complexities of BCBS plans across different states and health plan types.