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BCBS Alpha Prefix from AAA to AZZ

BCBS Alpha Prefixes are the first three letters of the identification number on Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance cards. They help identify the insurance plans of patients and ensure correct routing of their reimbursement claims. 

This blog will cover the prefixes ranging from AAA to AZZ and list down their applicable state, insurance company name, type of health plans, and additional notes. Continue reading and let Health Quest Billing find the right prefix for you.

In addition, maximize accuracy with our professional medical coding services. Our tailored solutions adhere to the latest coding guidelines, boosting your practice’s efficiency.

BCBS Alpha Prefix from AAA to AZZ – Latest Insights 

BCBS Prefix State Company Name Types Of Health Plan
AAA Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare Advantage
AAB Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AAC Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AAD South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AAE Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AAF Washigton BCBS of Washigton PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AAG Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AAH California Blue-Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AAI Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AAJ Washigton Regence Blue Shield of Washington PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AAK California Anthem Blue Cross of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AAL South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AAM Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare Advantage
AAN New York Empire BCBS of New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AAO California Blue-Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AAP Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare Advantage
AAQ Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AAR Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AAS California Anthem Blue Cross of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AAT California Anthem Blue Cross of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AAU Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AAV Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AAW Pennsylvania Capital Blue Cross PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AAX South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AAY Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AAZ Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
ABA Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABB Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABC Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare
ABD Washington Regence Blue Shield of Washington PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABE Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABF New York Empire BCBS of New York PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABG Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABH Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABI Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABJ Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABK Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ABL Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABN Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABO California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ABP North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABQ Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ABR Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ABR Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ABT Connecticut Independence Blue Cross PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABU Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABV Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABW Colorado Anthem BCBS of Colorado PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABW Colorado Anthem BCBS of Colorado PPO, HMO, Medicare
ABY Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ABZ Maryland Carefirst BCBS of Maryland PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ACA Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare
ACC California Blue Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACD New York Empire BCBS of New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACE Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACF Alaska Premera Blue-Cross of Alaska PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACG Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACH South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare
ACI Idaho Blue Cross of Idaho PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACJ Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACK South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare
ACL Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACM Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ACN Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ACO Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ACP Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACQ South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACR California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACS Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACT Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACU California Blue-Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACV South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare
ACW California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACX Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACY California Anthem Blue Cross of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ACZ Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ADA California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ADB Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADC Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ADD Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADE Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ADF New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADG Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADH Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADI California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ADJ Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADK California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
ADL Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADM Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ADN Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADO Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ADP New York Empire BCBS of New York PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADQ Pennsylvania Independence Blue Cross PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADR South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADS Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADT Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADU Florida Florida-Blue PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADV Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ADW Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ADW Florida CareFirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
ADY South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, Medicare
ADZ Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada PPO, HMO, Medicare
AEA Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare
AEB North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina PPO, HMO, Medicare
AEC Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare
AED Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
AEE Arkansas Arkansas BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare
AEF Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare
AEG Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, Medicare
AEH Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
AEI Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, HMO, Medicare
AEJ New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey PPO, HMO, Medicare
AEK Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, Medicare
AEL California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
AEM Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
AEN Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
AEO Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
AEP South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
AEQ Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
AER Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare
AES Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare
AET California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
AEU Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare
AEV Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare
AEW South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, Medicare
AEX Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare
AEY South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
AEZ Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFA Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFB South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFC South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
AFD South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFE California Blue-Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
AFF Maryland CareFirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
AFG Kansas City BCBS of Kansas City PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFH California Anthem Blue Cross of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
AFI Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare
AFJ Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, POS, Medicare
AFK South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFL California Anthem Blue Cross of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
AFM Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFN South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFO Arkansas Arkansas BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFP Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFQ Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFR California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare
AFT Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFU Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFV Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare, Medicaid
AFW North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFX Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFY Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, Medicare
AFZ Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, Medicare
AGA Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGB New York Excellus BCBS of New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AGC New York Empire BCBS of New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AGD Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGE Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGF Pennsylvania Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AGG Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGH Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGI Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AGJ Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGK Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGL Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AGM Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGN Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGP Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGQ Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGR Colorado Anthem BCBS of Colorado PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AGS California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AGT California Blue-Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AGU Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGV South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AGW Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AGX Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AGY Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AGZ Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHA Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHB Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AHC Alaska Premera Blue-Cross of Alaska PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHD Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AHE New York Empire BCBS of New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHF California Blue Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHG North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHH Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHI Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHJ Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHK North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHL Florida Florida-Blue PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHM Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHN Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AHO Maryland CareFirst BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHP Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHQ Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHR Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AHS Oklahoma BCBS of Oklahoma PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHT Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHU Pennsylvania Capital Blue Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHV Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHW Vermont BCBS of Vermont PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHX Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHY California Anthem Blue Cross of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AHZ Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AIA Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIB Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIC Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AID Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIE Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AIF Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIG Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIH Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AII Louisiana BCBS of Louisiana PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIJ New Hampshire Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIK Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIL Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIM Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIN Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIO Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIP Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIQ Washington Premera Blue Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIR Pennsylvania Capital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIS Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIT Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIU Louisiana BCBS of Louisiana PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIV Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AIW Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIX South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIY Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AIZ Florida Florida-Blue PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJA South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJB Louisiana BCBS of Louisiana PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJC California Blue-Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJD Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJE Florida Florida-Blue PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJF South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJG Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJH South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJI Florida Florida-Blue PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJJ Washington Premera Blue Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJK Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJL Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJM California Anthem Blue Cross of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJN Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJO Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJP Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJQ California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJR Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJS Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJT Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJU Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AJV Florida Florida-Blue PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJW Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJX Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AJY South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKA Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKB Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKC South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKD Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKE Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKF New York Empire BCBS of New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKH Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKI Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKJ Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKK Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKL Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKM Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKN Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKO North Dakota BCBS of North Dakota PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKP Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKQ New York Empire BCBS of New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKR Washington Regence Blue Shield of Washington PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKS California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKT Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKU Oregon Regence BCBS of Oregon PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKV New York Empire BCBS of New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKW South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKX Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AKY Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
AKZ Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALA South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALB Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
ALC Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALD Washington Premera Blue Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALE Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALF South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALG California Anthem Blue Cross of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALH Washington Premera Blue Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALI Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALJ Oregon Regence BCBS of Oregon PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALK Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALL Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALM Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALN Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALO South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALP Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALQ California Anthem Blue Cross of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALR Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALS Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALT Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALU West Virginia Highmark BCBS of West Virginia PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALV Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALW Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALX Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ALZ Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMA Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMB Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMC Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMD Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AME California Blue-Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMF Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMG Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMH Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMI Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMJ Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMK Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AML South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMM Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMN Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMO North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMP California Blue-Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMQ Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMR Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMS Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMT Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMU Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMV Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMW Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMX North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMY Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AMZ Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANA Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANB Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANC Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AND Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANE Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANF Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANH Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANI Florida Florida-Blue PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANJ California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANK Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANL California Blue Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANM California Blue Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANN Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANO Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANP Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANQ Florida Florida-Blue PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANR Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
ANS California Blue-Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANT Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANU Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANV Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
ANW Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANX Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANY Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ANZ South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOA Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOB Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOC Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOD New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOE California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOF South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOG New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOH New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOI Texas BCBS of Texas PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOJ New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOK Washington Regence Blue Shield of Washington PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOL Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOM Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AON Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOO Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOP New York (Northeastern) Blue-Shield of Northeastern New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOQ New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOR New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOS Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOT Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOU New York BCBS of Western New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOV Pennsylvania Independence Blue-Cross Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOW Michigan BCBS of Michigan PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOX North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOY Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AOZ California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APA South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APB Arkansas Arkansas BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APC Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, Medicare Advantage
APD Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APE Washington Regence Blue Shield of Washington PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APF Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APG Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APH Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
API New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APJ Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APK Arizona BCBS of Arizona PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APM Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APN Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APO California Anthem Blue-Cross PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APP South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APQ Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APR Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APS South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APT South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APU Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APV Illinois BCBS of Illinois PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APW Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APX California Blue-Shield of California PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APY Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
APZ Arizona BCBS of Arizona PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AQA Florida Florida-Blue PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AQB Rhode Island BCBS of Rhode Island PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AQC Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AQD Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AQE Idaho Blue-Cross of Idaho PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AQF South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AQG Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin PPO, HMO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AQH Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts
AQI Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky
AQJ Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska
AQK Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota
AQL Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
AQM California Anthem Blue Cross of California Anthem Blue Cross of California
AQN Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia
AQO South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina
AQP South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina
AQQ Michigan BCBS of Michigan BCBS of Michigan
AQR Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia
AQS California Blue-Shield of California Blue Shield of California
AQT Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska
AQU Kansas City BCBS of Kansas City BCBS of Kansas City
AQV Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS Regence BCBS
AQW New York Empire BCBS Empire BCBS
AQX New York Empire BCBS of New York Empire BCBS of New York
AQY Alabama BCBS of Alabama BCBS of Alabama
AQZ Illinois BCBS of Illinois BCBS of Illinois
ARA New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York BCBS of Western New York
ARB Texas BCBS of Texas BCBS of Texas
ARC California Anthem Blue-Cross Anthem Blue Cross
ARD New Mexico BCBS of New Mexico BCBS of New Mexico
ARE Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia
ARF California Blue Shield of California Blue Shield of California
ARG Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
ARH Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Carefirst BCBS
ARI Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia CareFirst BCBS CareFirst BCBS
ARJ Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri
ARK California Anthem Blue-Cross Anthem Blue Cross
ARL Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Carefirst BCBS
ARM California Blue-Shield of California Blue Shield of California
ARN Alabama BCBS of Alabama BCBS of Alabama
ARO Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
ARP Illinois BCBS of Illinois BCBS of Illinois
ARQ Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia
ARR Pennsylvania Independence Blue-Cross Independence Blue-Cross
ARS Texas BCBS of Texas BCBS of Texas
ART Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota
ARU Texas BCBS of Texas BCBS of Texas
ARV California Anthem Blue-Cross Anthem Blue-Cross
ARW Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri
ARX Kansas BCBS of Kansas BCBS of Kansas
ARY Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut
ARZ Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
ASA Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Carefirst BCBS
ASB New York Excellus BCBS of New York Excellus BCBS of New York
ASC Illinois BCBS of Illinois BCBS of Illinois
ASD Illinois BCBS of Illinois BCBS of Illinois
ASE North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina
ASF Illinois BCBS of Illinois BCBS of Illinois
ASG New York Excellus BCBS of New York Excellus BCBS of New York
ASH Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky
ASI Kansas City BCBS of Kansas City BCBS of Kansas City
ASJ Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky Anthem BCBS of Kentucky
ASK South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS Wellmark BCBS
ASL New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey
ASM Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Carefirst BCBS
ASO Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana
ASP Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts
ASQ Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin
ASR Pennsylvania Independence Blue-Cross Pennsylvania Independence Blue-Cross Pennsylvania
AST Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee
ASU Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia
ASV Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS Carefirst BCBS
ASW Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia CareFirst BCBS CareFirst BCBS
ASX Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia HMO, PPO, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage
ASY Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medigap
ASZ Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ATA Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
ATB South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ATC Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medigap
ATD Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medigap
ATE New York Empire BCBS of New York HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ATG Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
ATH Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO
ATI Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, EPO
ATJ Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
ATK Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
ATL Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia CareFirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
ATM Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
ATN Missouri Anthem BCBS of Missouri HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
ATO Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
ATP South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
ATQ California Blue-Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, EPO
ATR California Anthem Blue-Cross Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) Plans, Point of Service (POS) Plans
ATS Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
ATT Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
ATU Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
ATV Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
ATW Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
ATY South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicaid
ATZ Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AUA Pennsylvania Independence Blue-Cross Pennsylvania HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AUB Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AUD Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AUE Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AUF Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia HMO, PPO, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage
AUG Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AUH Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO
AUJ Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AUK Pennsylvania Independence Blue-Cross Pennsylvania HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AUL New York Empire BCBS of New York HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AUM Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AUN New York Blue Shield of Northeastern New York HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AUO South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Dental Plans, Vision Plans
AUP Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AUQ Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AUR Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AUS California Blue-Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, EPO
AUT Florida Florida-Blue HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AUU South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina Dental Plans, Vision Plans
AUV Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AUW Delaware Highmark BCBS of Delaware HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AUX Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO
AUY South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AUZ Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, CHIP
AVA Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota Medicaid Managed Care, Dual Eligible Plans
AVB Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AVC South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicaid
AVD Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota Medicaid Managed Care, Dual Eligible Plans
AVE New York Empire BCBS of New York HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AVF New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AVG New Mexico BCBS of New Mexico HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug Plans (Part D)
AVH Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia HMO, PPO, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage
AVI Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AVJ California Anthem Blue Cross of California HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AVK California Blue-Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, EPO
AVL Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AVM Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AVN Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AVO Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AVP Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia HMO, PPO, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage
AVQ California Blue Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, EPO
AVR Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AVS Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AVT California Anthem Blue-Cross HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, EPO
AVU Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AVV Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AVW Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO
AVX New York Empire BCBS of New York HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AVY Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, CHIP
AVZ Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AWA Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AWB Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AWC Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AWD Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota Medicaid Managed Care, Dual Eligible Plans
AWE Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AWF Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AWH New Jersey Horizon BCBS of New Jersey HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AWI Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, EPO
AWJ Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AWK South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AWL Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AWM Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO
AWN Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AWO Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AWP California Anthem Blue-Cross HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, EPO
AWQ Oregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington Regence BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AWR Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO
AWS South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AWT Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AWU Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota Medicaid Managed Care, Dual Eligible Plans
AWV Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AWW Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, EPO
AWX Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AWY Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AWZ Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, EPO
AXA Nebraska BCBS of Nebraska HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AXB Delaware Highmark BCBS of Delaware HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AXC Arkansas Arkansas BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AXD Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO
AXE Indiana Anthem BCBS of Indiana HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AXF Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia HMO, PPO, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage
AXG Florida Florida-Blue HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AXH Washington Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AXI Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AXJ Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AXK Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AXL Michigan BCBS of Michigan HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AXM Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AXN Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia CareFirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AXO California Blue-Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, EPO
AXP Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO
AXQ Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota Medicaid Managed Care, Dual Eligible Plans
AXR South Carolina BCBS of South Carolina HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicaid
AXS Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO
AXT Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AXU Georgia Anthem BCBS of Georgia HMO, PPO, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage
AXV Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AXW Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AXX Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, EPO
AXY Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AXZ Virginia Anthem BCBS of Virginia HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AYA Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AYB California Blue-Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, EPO
AYC Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, CHIP
AYD Florida Florida-Blue HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AYE South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AYF Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AYG Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AYH Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO
AYI Tennessee BCBS of Tennessee HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AYJ California Anthem Blue-Cross HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, EPO
AYK California Anthem Blue-Cross HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, EPO
AYL Ohio Anthem BCBS of Ohio HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AYM Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO
AYN Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, EPO
AYO Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO
AYP Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota Medicaid Managed Care, Dual Eligible Plans
AYQ Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO
AYR Pennsylvania Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania PPO, HMO, EPO
AYS Alaska Premera BCBS of Alaska Medicare Advantage, Medigap
AYT Nevada Anthem BCBS of Nevada HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AYU Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AYV South Dakota/Iowa Wellmark BCBS HMO, PPO, EPO, Medicare Advantage
AYW New York (Western) BCBS of Western New York HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage
AYX Wisconsin Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AYY California Blue-Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, EPO
AYZ North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZA North Carolina BCBS of North Carolina HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZB Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZC Colorado Anthem BCBS of Colorado HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZD Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, CHIP
AZE Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZF Mississippi BCBS of Mississippi HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZH Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, CHIP
AZI Alabama BCBS of Alabama PPO, HMO, EPO
AZJ Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZK Massachusetts BCBS of Massachusetts PPO, HMO, EPO
AZL Connecticut Anthem BCBS of Connecticut HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZM Texas BCBS of Texas HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, CHIP
AZN New York Excellus BCBS of New York HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZO California Blue-Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZP Washington CareFirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZQ Idaho Blue Cross of Idaho HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZR Wyoming BCBS of Wyoming HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZS California Blue-Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZT California Blue-Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZU California Anthem Blue-Cross HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZV California Anthem Blue-Cross HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZW Illinois BCBS of Illinois HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZX Oregon Regence BCBS of Oregon HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZY California Blue-Shield of California HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid
AZZ Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Carefirst BCBS HMO, PPO, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid

Final Thoughts

To sum up, knowing BCBS Alpha Prefixes from AAA to AZZ is essential for accurate billing and claims. This list helps streamline processes and reduce errors for healthcare providers.

For those looking to explore more prefixes, don’t miss our detailed breakdown of BCBS Alpha Prefix from BAA to BZZ, where we continue to cover the wide range of prefixes that further assist in the smooth processing of insurance claims.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The alpha prefix on the BCBS Blue Card is a 3-letter code that identifies the member's Plan or National Account. It should always be included in the ID field when filing a claim.

The prefix for FEP Alpha is the letter “R” since all FEP member ID numbers begin with the letter “R”.

The BlueCard® Program in Arizona is a national program that allows members to receive healthcare services while traveling or living in Arizona, which is part of another Blue Plan's area. Members can access the same benefits as their home Blue Plan, including access to providers and potential savings.

Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) offers a personalized approach to healthcare that is tailored to the specific needs of the communities in each ZIP code where their members live and work. This indicates that BCBS adapts its services to the unique requirements of different regions, suggesting that BCBS can indeed be different in each state to better meet local healthcare needs.

A PPO offers flexibility to use providers both in and out of network without a referral but comes with higher monthly premiums and out-of-pocket costs, whereas an HMO has lower premiums and out-of-pocket costs but requires referrals and limits coverage to in-network providers.